Welcome to the new website of S.d.A. Compressed Natural Gas Fuel Fuels LTD of Modena, a leader since 1951 in the supply and distribution of natural gas industry.
Our expertise, professionalism, our presence in the market for more than fifty years, worth more than any presentation, providing users with the best services.
Competitive prices, the latest technology, qualified and competent personnel with years of experience behind them.
The ten-year collaboration with major Italian companies such as SNAM, ENI, AGIP are one of the best presentations for our company.
S.d.A. Metano is the company that caters to Modena, transports and distributes natural gas in Italy, for industrial, civil and automotive.
We distribute natural gas throughout the national territory supplying cities, municipalities, public and private companies and intervening in cases of emergency and civil protection.
The S.d.A. Metano began to operate in Modena since 1951, thanks to the vision of its founder, Sergio de Angelis, using for the first in Italy Patent and compressors specifically designed for the purpose.
Pioneer companies in this industry, it was soon established itself over the years thanks to its technical expertise and logistical.
By extending its operations throughout Italy has become one of the main reason a leader in the national distribution.
The S.d.A. Methane is able to supply with methane gas also municipalities, businesses and communities.
Competently and efficiently, providing 24 hours 24 uninterrupted service, also intervening in cases of national disasters, interruption of the methane gas network citizen, emergencies and the like.
Our cylinder trucks and our equipment fully replace the natural gas pipeline network and the cabins of reducing methane fixed.
Cylinder trucks with capacities ranging from 2,500 to 5,000 cubic meters. divided into cylinder packs, carrying natural gas to 200 bar.
The cylinders are carefully selected and tested.
The cylinder packs are carefully and regularly monitored to ensure maximum safety to the users.
We can guarantee to businesses, farms, communities, festivals and events rental service through cylinder trucks or individual bundles of cylinders 24 hours 24 for an unlimited period of time.
Our equipment and our equipment is in compliance with the safety regulations and prepared in accordance with the directions of the VVF.
All our staff have ADR license for the transport of dangerous goods.
Third party liability insurance.
Our operation is guaranteed in a very short time over the whole national territory. Competent and highly qualified guarantees maximum safety in our operations.
UNI EN ISO CERTIFICATIONS - certified company
See at link
S.d.A. Metano Compresso S.r.l. - via Staffette Partigiane 20/p - 41122 Modena - Italy - P.IVA 00185430360
tel. +39 02 33002994 - fax +39 059 451663 - [email protected] - www.sdametano.it PEC: [email protected]